Super Bunsen Burner (OE-SBB-1) Giving long narrow pointed flame Super Bunsen Burner (OE-SBB-2) Giving narrow pointed flame with stop cock Super Bunsen Burner (OE-SBB-3) Giving long narrow pointed flame Super Bunsen Burner (OE-SBB-4) Giving long narrow pointed flame Super Bunsen Burner (OE-SBB-5) Macker Burner for short but wide flame high Temperature Super Bunsen Burner (OE-SBB-6) Macker with Burber stop cock Glass Blowing Torch Burner (OE-GBT-1) Glass Blowing Torch Burner with gas and oxygen inlets Glass Blowing Burner (OE-GB-1) Giving long narrow pointed flame 1A Glass Bowling Burner (OE-GB-1A) Glass Blowing Burner as above but with air and gas inlets only Silent Burner (OE-GB-1B) Glass Blowing Burner with stand as above but with air and gas inlets only Micro Burner small flame (OE-MIB-1) Micro Burner small flame low Temperature Teclu Burner (OE-TB-1) Disc type are regulation from Bottom giving long steady flame Ampul Sealing Burner (OE-ASB-1) Pencil type with air and gas inlets Fisher Type Burner (OE-FB-1) Fisher type burners with stop cock giving long wide strong flame Multiple Nozzle (OE-MN) Giving T or Y connection of Brass We’re always interested in new projects, big or small. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us regarding your project. Get a Quote