Humidity Oven Gmp Model Stability Chamber 24 A
Humidity Oven Gmp Model Stability Chamber 24 A
- Creating Ideal Condition For Component / Product Research and B.T.I Specification Test.
- Most Accurate And Reliable Chamber For Term High Temperature And Rh Testing.
- Temp. Range 10°c To 60°c With An Accuracy ± 1°c. Relative Humidity Range 35% Rh To 98% Rh with an Accuracy ± 3% Rh.
- A Positive Vertical Air Circulation Ensures Temperature And Rh Uniformity.
- Digitally Set, Temperature And Humidity Controller with Direct Digital Read out In Temperature and Percentage Rh.
- Low Pressure Boiler to Generate steam For Chamber Humidification.
- Well Balanced Refrigeration system CFC Free.
- Inner Chamber made Of S.S 316, outer S.S 304.
- The Chamber Is Provided With Modular Removable shelves Made Of S.S for Complete Flexibility In Use.
- A key Lockable Insulated Door Having Positive Door Gasket Seals Doors Perfectly.
- Control Panel Mounted on The Top of The Unit.
- It Work On 230 Volts A. C. Only.
Optional Accessories:
- Printer Interface Facility to Connect Printer.
- PC Connection with Software
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